Tuesday 24 September 2019

Brainwaves - A Responsive Website Developer

Nowadays, the role of web designing is very important to see the performance and the work of the company. The development and creation of the websites and related applications are done by the web designer. They create the look, layout, and features of the website. There are a few steps in the designing and development process of the website. The website provides the information, maintenance, and progress of the company. To get the more about the website development, contact AmitMishra’s Invader Technologies Pvt. LTD., Gurgaon.

The main motive of the website developer is to provide guaranteed satisfaction to their clients by using the latest technologies, easy payment options, and delivery service. Here are 5 basic steps that are common in all:

Gathering of Information:
For designing the website, the web designer needs to collect some information about the website. In simple words, they should know what the company wants on the website because a website should represent a solid understanding of the company. There are a lot of questions to ask by the web designer to understand the whole process and the information provided to them. The questions may be the goal, content, and purpose of the website.

After collecting all the information, the second step is how to put that information on the website and it can be done through planning only. The first step is to create the sitemap and wireframe of the website. It is like the skeleton of the website which takes more time to prepare. The user must able to navigate easily. The web designer also decides which technology to be used on the website.

In this stage, the website developer will create the prototype design of the website. In this stage, the designer gives access to the customer to view the work in progress. The final design will be made when the company and designer work together and exchanges ideas because the website should match the company’s needs, likes and dislikes.

In this stage, the development of a website is done by using any technologies like PHP, Wordpress and many more. To give the navigation structure of the website, templates are created. After completion, it is given to the company for additional changes or corrections. The website should represent current status, maximizing functionality and give access to the audience.

Testing and Delivery:
After the development of the website, it will go for the testing to ensure that it views properly. In testing, testers also check the website’s compatibility in a cross-browser. After getting the final approval, it is uploaded on the server. This is done to that whether all the files are working properly.
Invader Technologies will help you to create your business websites while fulfilling all your needs.

Saturday 14 September 2019

Why is UI/UX important in mobile app development?

Either on mobile or desktop, most of the people are using digital media. Mobile phones are great to create engagement and desktops are great for quick access to web pages. Both platforms have the majority of digital users. The biggest reason why people using mobiles is mobile applications. Today, there are millions of applications on the app store and in the highly competitive app market, some have been successful and others have found it hard to strive.

Well, with successful applications there is one common thing i.e., users are happy when using them because applications look appealing and feel good. And it is all because of having an efficient User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX). InvaderTechnologies Pvt. LTD. will help you with UI and UX designs in the development of a mobile application.

UserInterface (UI): User Interface involves the look of an application when a user is interacting with it. It usually focused on app appearance. It is the responsibility of the UI designer to focus on the graphic design of an application by understanding the mind of end-users.

UserExperience (UX): User experience holds all the fundamentals of user’s interaction with the application. The user experience mainly consists of the customer’s loyalty and satisfaction. The main reason for the mobile application is to make sure the user with a smooth interaction.

Here are few points on the importance of UI/UX design in mobile app development:
·         It helps to improve customer satisfaction hence enhanced ROI.
·         It helps to attract the audience.
·         The great user design and experience offers a competitive advantage.
·         Better UX helps to improve and increase productivity.
·         Investing in the great UX/UI design saves money and time on developing an update.

You are looking forward to developing a successful application for your company or business; you can visit Amit Kumar Mishra’s Invader TechnologiesPvt. LTD., Gurgaon.

Tuesday 3 September 2019

Reasons why website needs to be Mobile Friendly

If you are the owner of the website, then it is important to increase the reach of your customer. Think for a moment, what will you use if you want to search for anything suddenly? A desktop or a mobile-device? Smart and mobile devices are very popular than before. In this digital world, you have to make sure that people can find and browse your site easily and have a good experience. You can contact Amit Mishra’s Invader Technologies Pvt. LTD., Gurgaon for mobile-friendly websites
Here are some reasons why the website needs to be mobile-friendly:

  • ·         If you are using your website as an online marketing tool, then it should be responsive, which brings a better experience for the customer and to increase the search traffic, which helps you to grow the number of customers.
  • ·         Google gives more priority to the mobile-friendly website. In 2015, Google also changed its algorithm, after that its search result display on mobile was better than before. Websites that are mobile-friendly can rank better than others who don’t.
  • ·         Nowadays, people are using mobile devices more than the desktop. It helps to do everything fast and easily. Mobile-friendly websites are the best way to connect with your customers.
  • ·         Responsive websites make sure that your web pages adapt to the devices for a better experience. It is cost-effective than the non-mobile optimized websites, which has higher maintenance and designing cost.
  • ·         Mobile-friendly websites take less time to load or appear on a mobile screen than a desktop. You can lose huge traffic within 3 seconds which impact negatively on your website ranking, and traffic.
  • ·         Approx. 90% of Facebook users access the service with the mobile-devices only. You can like, share, comment and upload the post from anywhere at any time. In terms of business, you can create successful marketing strategies with the help of responsive mobile-friendly websites.
  • ·         It helps to increase the chance of conversion rate and sales by offering the 24*7 hours of access to your products and services on the mobile-friendly website to your customers or clients.

InvaderTechnologies will help you to create a website that helps to make the experience better for your clients and customers.